Sunday, January 3, 2010

Version 0.03a Released, Lots of Changes

With the release of 0.03a I've stopped listing the included files/sizes and changes/additions of files. The project has broken down in to lots of small files that get the work done in a simple manner.

An entire fight, for example, is decided with this single page of code:

$userid = $_COOKIE['userid'];

if($health == 0){ echo '<center><b><font color="RED">You can\'t fight with no health!</font></b></center>'; }

else {

//Output versus and enemy image
$nmePic = str_replace(" ", "", $enemy);

<center><br><img src="img/'.$nmePic.'.gif" ALT="'.$enemy.'" width="200" height="200"></center></td>
<td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="left">

//Display Enemy Stats

//Generate Battle

//Show results

//Show new stats
echo '<br>';

If you are curious about the version system used by the project, 0.03a dictates that this is the third alpha release. The game is nearly playable at this early stage. Still, there is tons of work yet to be done.

My updates will now become less frequent, but only because I plan on being able to reach beta status within a few weeks. Enjoy!

Download MyRPGP v0.03a Source

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